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01 | Cat Myers 🥁

Cat has toured the world with the likes of Mogwai, Honeyblood, KT Tunstall, Texas, and more. El caught up with Cat after seeing her play with Texas in March.

El: What’s your golden nugget of advice for a musician who wants to follow in your shoes?

C: Say yes to every gig, play every style of music in every dive bar around, play well, be nice and get a good rep. Eventually the gigs will come to you!

El: Biggest gig you’ve ever played? Most fun gig you’ve ever played?

C: Supporting Foo Fighters at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh is up there! Playing with Mogwai at Corona Festival in Mexico was pretty epic and playing with Texas at Glasgow Hydro was also amazing.

El: What’s your history with drums?

C: Stole my dad’s 80’s Yamaha drum machine when I was around 5yrs old, started playing drum kit age 8.. and basically just kept going! I studied music in College and Uni and have been playing in bands constantly since the age of about 13.

El: Any tour bus hacks to make it feel like home?

C: Pillow mist to make your bunk smell of lavender. Decent headphones. Comfy bus PJ’s!

Thank you Cat ✌️

Cat is a professional drummer, available for all kinds of session work and touring. When home from tour, Cat offers private lessons and masterclass tuition. Learn more HERE.

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